기술(Tech, IT)/etc.
[Tech, etc.] Architectural smell
2021. 9. 21. 18:23
Architectural smell은 대개 이해도, 시험 가능성, 확장성, 재활용성과 같은 시스템의 생명주기 특성에 부정적으로 영향을 미치는 아키텍쳐 설계 결정을 뜻한다.
An architectural bad smell is a commonly (although not always intentionally) used set of architectural design decisions that negatively impacts system lifecycle properties, such as understandability, testability, extensibility, and reusability.
- Toward a Catalogue of Architectural Bad Smells by Joshua GarciaDaniel PopescuGeorge EdwardsNenad Medvidovic