
[영어] Nominate, Denominate 차이

Daniel803 2021. 7. 6. 15:53

 두 단어 모두 무언가에 대해 정해준다는 의미를 담고있지만, Nominate는 후보자 또는 어떤 자리나 역할에 사람을 정할 때 사용하고, Denominate는 이름 혹은 무언가를 지정할 때 사용한다. 아래는 Merriam-Webster에 정의된 내용이다.

 (As verbs the difference between nominate and denominate is that nominate is to name someone as a candidate for a particular role or position, including that of an office while denominate is to name; to designate.)

(1) Nominate

: DESIGNATE, NAMEthe first of the commonly so nominated explorers of the American Arctic— Vilhjalmur Stephansson

2a: to appoint or propose for appointment to an office or placeHe was nominated to the Supreme Court.

b: to propose as a candidate for election to officeWe expect the party to nominate him for president.

c: to propose for an honornominate her for player of the yearHe was nominated for an Academy Award.

3: to enter (a horse) in a race


(2) Denominate

: to give a name to : DESIGNATE

2: to express or designate in some denominationwill denominate prices in U.S. dollars



- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nominate


Definition of NOMINATE

designate, name; to appoint or propose for appointment to an office or place; to propose as a candidate for election to office… See the full definition


- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/denominate


Definition of DENOMINATE

to give a name to : designate; to express or designate in some denomination… See the full definition


- https://wikidiff.com/nominate/denominate


Nominate vs Denominate - What's the difference?

As verbs the difference between nominate and denominate is that nominate is to name someone as a candidate for a particular role or position, including that of an office while denominate is...


